
Monday 19 May 2014

Burry Port Lighthouse and the Gower - stage one

Back to it today. I have started a painting of Burry Port Lighthouse and the Gower. First off I used a ground of Burnt Sienna all over with turps. On this occasion I have wiped it with a rag for a more consistent value across the canvas. I have then started blocking in without any preliminary drawing. You need to be confident to do this but trust me unless you have a lot of detail or a complicated composition this is a good way to go. Keep the vision in your head even if the canvas looks a bit scary.

Here I am now putting in the darkest values and introducing the sky. It's all going to be fine.

We 've got a busy week this week I have a lot on including decorating for my mother in law 
( ironically Alex won't let me decorate in our house as she says I am too messy. This is true I get bored after a while and it gets a bit sloppy then). Anyway I am hoping to get at least two paintings finished this week.

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