
Thursday, 5 January 2012

PC Problems

The watercolour above was done from the sketch yesterday. I am not wild about it but Alex likes it so who am I to argue. Alex has been catching up on paperwork for the business today. I have done the painting and working on the computer.

Cant live with them can’t live without them. I have heard that before anyway in this case it relates to a 6 year old Compaq with so many gigs? Recently whatever we have tried the internet has frozen at regular intervals at the most inconvenient times which causes more than the odd, “oh dear!”

The Pc has been scanned with every type of virus program and malware download available. It has had the registry checked and a nice man in India offered to fix it for a mere $350. A snip I thought.

Oh for the time when a PC was a large jolly man walking down the street wearing a blue serge jacket and pointy hat.

Anyway I finally junked internet explorer and tried Google Chrome as a browser. With the exception of a problem with the font size of emails it appears to be functioning very well (so far # not counting any chickens yet). No sign of a freeze on the horizon or anywhere else.

My mother thinks we are her parents, which means I am well overdue for a good number of telegrams from the Queen. At times I feel that old as well. Nevertheless fortitude and perseverance are the watchwords. I am looking forward to having another day of painting tomorrow (hopefully) as the walls are a bit depleted after a bumper end of year.

1 comment:

  1. LThe oil painting above is of fishing trawlers off aheadland. They are actually Brixham Trawlers and were very popular around theSouth and West Coast at the turn of the 20th century.

    Personalised number plates are not something that appeals tome. I have a good a reason for that well actually two. One is the cost and theother is that I wouldn’t want to draw attention to myself. I am not a baddriver but on the other hand not a great one either. It would be all too easyto remember that car with
    ART 1 registration that accidentally cut you up or pulled outwithout looking. With an indistinctive number like our plate it’s just an otherold man in a flat cap!
    Now my email has been a painlately. Not arriving where it should, refusing to send group emails…So Ieventually decided to bite the bullet and change email to Gmail.
    My old email address wasmarkcox@…… and obviously I wanted something similar with my name and withoutnumbers. The problem was they were all gone. So decision time you can buypersonalised email addresses. They are very expensive. I didn’t want to dothat.
    I looked at my business card andfound the answer. My Business card was Mark Cox BA. “Eureka” that wasavailable. Finally I have found something useful to come from my old degree infine art. (Actually that is a bit harsh, I enjoyed it but the course wasn’t much to do about painting, not as I understand it anyway.). Anyway the Degree cost me a fortune.
    So I reckon at the end of the day I have probablygot the Worlds Most expensive email address.
