I painted Carreg Cennen Castle yesterday. This impressive Castle used to belong to the Lords of Dinefwr. I believe that it was sold by mistake. The Castle was included in the sale of a farm by accident, or so the story goes. So having withstood all sorts of attacks throughout the ages it succumbed to a solicitors pen. Thats life.
Anyway today was a bit hit and miss for me (reminds me of juke box jury with David Jacobs, really showing my age now). I walked the dog, finished a Lee Childs Jack Reacher story, took Alex to Origin Dyfed, went to the Waverley to paint and found the gallery was booked. I had forgotten!
So I visited my mom. Then went home and did an oil painting, walked the dog, went shopping for a new bed for the dog, picked up Alex from Origin Dyfed, then went to Tescos. ...
Tomorrow we are off to the Small Picture show and a couple of days r and r.
So no blogs now for a couple of days.