Had a quiet day today, so above is a drawing of the Gatehouse from the Cloister in Aberglasney.
Alex did break her record for selling cards which was quite good though.
Its funny really we have been at Aberglasney for nearly 2 weeks and met lots of lovely people and no knobs and then like buses, two come along at once.
Alex had a run in with a women who stormed up to her to complain about the set up of the commentary for the video on Aberglasney. Something to do with Welsh being on head phones and English on the speaker. Well one we had nothing to do with it and two she was extremely rude in front of a lot of people. She was also rude to Alex, oops! Not to be recommended to even the brave hearted. I am glad I wasn't there for the response. I would add we both are very pro Welsh Language run a bi-lingual website and have bi-lingual prints etc. and all our children are Welsh Speakers.
Next a gentleman swanned in to the exhibition asked where I did my BA. I told him and asked if he was a painter. The orange cords and pink top gave it away. He gave me his name which I am sorry to say I had never heard of. That is not to say he isn't a brilliant painter who ever he is but I have never heard of him.
He told me to "Google him" and then returned to present his card which had more letters after his name than mine. In fact he had more like a sentence. He then he looked down his nose and dismissed me.
I was, you can imagine devastated. I probably wont sleep for seconds. A woman who was standing by who had witnessed the display also remarked to me about his behaviour.
Knobs. I am certainly in the Thomas Jefferson fold of thinking that everyman is born equal ~ and cerainly dies equal. I hope I can always remember not to take myself too seriously.
Perhaps this is a timely reminder.